Monday, October 4, 2010

Just add an O

Fork Fest Review
Just add an O

June 2005

Number Nine

Number nine number nine number nine number nine number and number and nine, nein, this is not the way to open up the ninth and most wonderful and amazing edition of Fork Fest since the last one and certainly only to the next one as they are all so amazingly wonderful and it’s all because of you, the guests that gather at our tables and of course––without the hosts––we’d all be sitting at the emperor’s table, staring at our empty plates, exclaiming, my-my-my this peasant is wonderful. Onward.

Note This You *&^%$$#

And where are my notes concerning the ever scrumptious detailing (of the food and otherwise) of Yoshida  & Giordano a.k.a., Carmine and Hideo? (Ah ha! The notes and may I recommend the aural pleasures found in the CQ soundtrack. All hail Twiggy, thigh-high white boots, French disco and now back to our regular de-programming.)

Die Hostosos*

See. El dos hotsos, no Hostos, sind mucho magnifico. La casa nicht el grosso aber gemultlicho, browno, subdudo texturalo calmamento mit viel drinko gino tonico el zunge libertado, Viva El Busca Manno!!!!

Menudo Las Platos

Phylo or filo dough Triangles with spinach, feta cheese and mystery ingredients
Pickled cucumbers
Salad of arugula, dates, beets and orange slices bathed in a dressing of olive oil
and orange blossom water
Redwood Hill Farms camellia goat cheese, yum.
Chicken Tagine, plated with Middle Eastern Couscous and honey carrots
Lemon Curd Pudding with whipped cream and strawberries
Followed by fresh mint tea

Leave It Alone, Carole

Working in the catering world, I’ve munched and gobbled and mostly gobbled a lot of hors d’oeuvres over the years and now, whenever I get to be on the receiving end of a platter of stuff––
I decline––but not this time and this time I was not ho-humming my way to the wine bar. I was secretly counting, subtracting… one for Karl (if he shows) two Karin (if she shows) one for Corrinne (if she shows) two for me and so on, although I did have to take into account our honorary Forkette, Sandra Huang, but she relented (or didn’t even notice) to my greedy eyes and let me eat up the last of the triangle cheesy things.

Have I Lost My Marbles?

Or was that a heap of couscous with the chicken tagine. Golly damn them were some big balls, size of peas almost and (imagine Slim Pickens yakking about his dinner) buried up underneath all them tasty little white balls was a chicken thigh. Yep, a thigh so tender and waiting that it just fell off the bone and sure as hell that was tagine although I don’t know if’n it was a beldi, a rifi or one of them berber souss kind of tagines, but whatever it was come out of it was gosh darn good––all chicken, carrots and assorted vegetables. (Redneck issue up next: road kill tagine)

Jello, Jello, Are You There?

Even with the suggestive bulge (above my belt of course) there was still room for something sweet and like a cloud off the Pacific, in came (and so did Idele, funny) the lemon curd with hand-whipped-Hideo-cream, or something like that. Light, sophisticated and just the thing, with a dollop of strawberries to make a run-on sentence go forever, but no. And did I mention the mint tea? 

It’s in the Mail…

Hideo has promised to send out recipes from his marvelous menu (hint hint). Carole is particularly interested in the Lemon Curd Pudding. 

Next Feast

Our next meal will be at Corrinne’s place on Saturday July 9. 

*The Germans did have a slight impact––that mariachi beat for one thing or vice-versa––so it is here that I honor and disgrace the language(s) Viva Deutschland! Burrito uber alles and may lazy Americans always have a place to retire to with cheap housekeepers. Onward christian dollar. 

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